Your savory breakfast links:
- Recaps of and other assorted musings on last night’s loss from us, CSN Washington (Masisak, O’Halloran, Beninati), WaPo (blog, gamer, Bog, column, shot chart), Vogs, Puck Daddy, (Rosen), Scott Burnside, (Muir, Farber), Globe and Mail, DCEx, Ed Frankovic, Peerless, RMNB, FanHouse, Puckhead and StC, and from the Montreal side of things, Montreal Gazette, EOTP and Habs Inside/Out.
- Not surprisingly, a long series doesn’t bode well for the next round (of course, neither does losing in Game 7). [BSH]
- On the Masterton finalists. [Puck Daddy]
- Good stuff in this week’s Farm Report. [FanPost]
- A Caps prospect behaving badly… and it’s not Joe Finley. [PensBurgh]
- Apropos of nothing (ahem), is the clock ticking on Dale Hunter‘s NHL coaching ambitions? [LFP]
- Finally, happy 22nd birthday to Semyon Varlamov (I’m sure he’s just full of laughs today).