Your savory breakfast links:
- Recaps and other assorted musings on last night’s win from us, Caps video (Carbery, Dowd, Lindgren, Protas, recap), NHL, AP, WaPo, KSL Sports, THN, NoVa Caps, RMNB, and S&S.
- As fun as most of the game was, it came with a heavy price, as Alex Ovechkin exited halfway through the third after a collision with Jack McBain. [NHL]
- Before his injury, Ovechkin continued to have the hot hand, adding two more goals (and another victimized goalie) – just another line on his ever-growing resume. [TSN, Defector, AP, THN, SI]
- They may have been on the business end of more Ovechkin goals, but you can still count some of Utah’s players – especially Logan Cooley – as big fans of #8. [SLTrib]
- A few leftovers from Sunday night’s win in Vegas. [Rink, RMNB]
- The improvements in the Capitals’ game to start the season have staying power. [THW]
- The NHL’s goaltender interference rules are wildly inconsistent – as Caps fans have seen up close, twice, in recent weeks. Here’s one suggestion on how to fix it. [Yahoo]
- Rankings of power plus every team’s best newcomer. [The Score]
- Finally, happy 51st birthday to Dean Melanson, and happy 63rd to Grant Ledyard!