Your savory breakfast links:
- Recaps and other assorted musings on yesterday’s win from us (QuickCap, Morning After), Vogs, Caps video (Carbery, Oshie, Carlson, Lindgren, recap), Rangers, NHL, AP, WaPo, CBS NY, THN, NoVa Caps, Caps Outsider, RMNB, and BSB.
- This year’s All-Star Game jerseys have been released, and they are, uh…….[NHL]
- Previews of this afternoon’s rematch with the Rangers from Vogs and NoVa Caps, and once again be sure to swing by our FHF friends over at Blueshirt Banter for the view from behind enemy lines.
- Finally, happy 54th birthday to Eric Charron, happy 30th to Connor Brown, and happy 59th to our pal Alan May!