Your savory breakfast links:
- Alex Ovechkin is reportedly dealing with an offseason training injury, but he is taking some time to recover before he ramps up his training. [THN, RMNB]
- Speaking of Ovi, he would like to play for Russia internationally again but knows the odds of that happening are low. [RMNB]
- The Caps and Winnipeg Jets were reportedly discussing a trade involving Connor McMichael at the NHL draft this year. [RMNB]
- The Capitals have had some pretty bad contracts on the books over the years—here are five of the worst ones. [Sportskeeda]
- Prospect Ryan Leonard said he might have signed with the Washington Capitals if Boston College had won the national championship game. [RMNB]
- Finally, happy 30th birthday to the one and only Big Tuna, Liam O’Brien!